Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Get Large!

"Understanding that there is no solid, singular or permanent "me" makes it possible to accommodate whatever arises in life without feeling so intimidated by our experience, without rolling over like a defeated dog in a dogfight. We can see that things arise due to our karma playing itself out and that it does not necessarily have to be so personal. In this way we can identify with something greater--which is our nature itself."
--Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche "Realizing Guiltlessness" Tricycle, 2004

I had a conversation earlier tonight, where I told a friend struggling with a difficult work situation to "stop being so small, and get large." Perhaps when we are faced with challenges, we tend to shrink back, pull back enough to give ourselves some perspective and create distance to get a better view of the situation. But the problem is that we usually linger too long in that small, shrunken space. (Speaking for myself, I've been guilty of this too--shoot, it took me what, 9 months to get used to braces? Am I really used to them yet?) What then, if getting large serves a similar purpose: creates distance and offers a greater perspective? What if you reach out for help rather than disconnect? What if you're real with your desires? What if you feel the fear and do it anyway?

G'wan. I dare ya!

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