Monday, July 30, 2012

Olympic Grillin'

I think the Universe is laughing at me.

No one loves watching the Olympics more than I do. My own brother called me the Thursday before the opening ceremonies to talk to me because he knew I would be "unavailable for the next 2 weeks." That made me smile. I wear this as a point of pride.

I love it all--track and field, diving, gymnastics, swimming. Especially the swimming. I used to be a swimmer and was even invited to swim with the Masters once upon a time, so I watch this event with special relish.

Now, Ryan Lochte is awfully pretty to look at. And he has the gold to back it up. But not only around his neck--ON HIS TEETH. Have you seen this??

He's got a red, white and blue grill!  And they look like braces!!

Seriously?  This is the hottest thing around?  If only I had made my braces red, white and blue with diamonds, it would have been a whole new paradigm. Then again, if I was biting on a gold medal, it really would have been a parallel universe.

I'm sprinting towards my own finish line right now with this process,  and my smile won't need diamonds--it will be big enough on its own! Stay tuned for more info on that this week!

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