Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Ok, let's put things in perspective on this Thanksgiving Eve.

I am thankful I have teeth
I am thankful to be cooking with my mom the night before the Big Bird Day
I am thankful, quite simply, for my mom
I am thankful for Penzey's spices
I am thankful for anything made with pumpkin
I am thankful for the smell of ginger on my fingers

I am quite sure there will be more that I'm thankful for tomorrow, but that about covers it for the moment. Enjoy your holiday y'all!


  1. Happy Thanksgiving!!! 4 out of 5 dentists surveyed are thankful for you! (Us too...)

  2. Aww, thanks Mick! Hope you had a happy!

  3. BG, I hope you enjoyed your Thanksgiving meal as much as I did mine! Very very thankful I was able to chew well enough to enjoy some of everything.

    BTW, I also ate about half what I typically do - and I was happily full! This orthodontically-enforced diet thing isn't all bad. :-)

