Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Getting Vampy

Vampires are cool, right? We've got True Blood, Twilight and that awful CW11 series, what's it called? Vampire Diaries? I miss Anne Rice's Interview with a Vampire, which really started this whole neo-Dracula movement. And the movie had style and sass, oh my, so many pretty people. (Who was prettier? Brad Pitt, Antonio Banderas or Tom Cruise? Talk amongst yourselves...)

I actually have fangs, which you can kinda see in the x-ray above. I always liked this because my heritage is partly Romanian, and I believe from the Transylvania region. What a great idea for a sitcom--a vampire with braces!

(I love this image, and double love the t-shirt!)

Why didn't anyone think of this before? I can see it now: A vampire enters the bower of an unsuspecting victim. He throws open the window, stealthily approaches the unprotected neck, and says "I vant...to suck...your blood...Now, can you please stick this straw in your body so I can get to it? I might pop a bracket if I bite you."

Hilarity ensues!

Maybe I'll stop thinking of the extra thickness on my teeth as liability and think of it more as vampy way to stay in touch with my heritage!